This is a weekend edition of our daily newsletter covering Virginia politics. Subscribe to have these emails at the top of your inbox each morning.
COOK POLITICAL REPORT: Virginia Governor Race Moves to Lean Democrat
Virginia’s post-presidential election gubernatorial contest is poised, once again, to be the most competitive of this off-year’s races and once again test its unique status as a traditional bellwether for a new president. With the matchup set between former Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe and Republican nominee Glenn Youngkin, both parties will face critical messaging tests in the wake of the 2020 election. But with early polling showing a close race that’s sure to be the most expensive statewide contest ever in the Old Dominion, it’s clear this race no longer simply has the potential to become engaged but is now already there. As such, we are moving our rating from Likely to Lean Democrat.

Youngkin launches a Spanish version of his campaign website
Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin launched a Spanish version of his campaign website this week. This continues the trend of Republicans reaching out to Hispanic voters nationwide.
“Glenn is working to earn the vote of every Virginian and that includes speaking directly to the Hispanic community with a Spanish-language website, launching the Latinos for Youngkin coalition, and working with the Latino community to build a brighter future in Virginia for everyone,” said Youngkin’s spokesperson, Macaulay Porter.

McAuliffe releases a statement on the anniversary of Obergefell v. Hodges
Terry McAuliffe released the following statement on the sixth anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decision Obergefell v. Hodges, which made same-sex marriage legal across the nation:
“Six years ago today, the Supreme Court recognized what we all knew to be true: every human being deserves to be treated equally, live free from fear, and thrive regardless of who they are or who they love. In Virginia, I made sure we kept our Commonwealth open and welcoming for all. As Virginia’s 72nd Governor, I fought to protect LGBTQ+ rights from extreme Republican attacks by signing an executive order banning discrimination against any LGBTQ+ state employee, and vetoed every single extreme anti-gay Republican bill.
“But while today is a celebration of how far we have come, it is also a reminder of everything that is on the line. Extreme Republican Glenn Youngkin has made it clear he is a threat to LGBTQ+ rights and to all of the progress we have made in our Commonwealth over the last eight years. As we continue to build an inclusive post-COVID economy that attracts businesses to our Commonwealth, it will be critical to keep Virginia open and welcoming for all. We cannot slip backwards towards hate, bigotry and discrimination — we must keep Virginia moving forward.”

Youngkin Announces Plan to Combat Human Trafficking in Virginia
Glenn Youngkin announced a plan this week to combat human trafficking in Virginia.
“When I am governor, we will not only bring the full weight of the law down on traffickers and buyers, we will also equip survivors to heal and flourish,” said Youngkin. “Human trafficking is slavery in our time. It leads to the tragic consequences of lives lost to addiction and suicide. I commit to ending this exploitation and abuse, and ridding our state of this evil criminal enterprise.”
A preview of his plan:
- Create a Governor’s Anti-Trafficking Task Force utilizing the State Trafficking Response Coordinator.
- Bring together the commonwealth attorneys, Survivor Advisory Council, and law enforcement to form a coalition and make this a bipartisan priority.
- Increase prosecutions and impose jail time as opposed to just a fine. This will put pressure on the buyers and address the demand side of trafficking.
- Partner with landlords, investigate IMB tax compliance (many don’t fully
- Create a Survivor Advisory Council to receive insights on how to empower survivors.
- Provide resources survivors need for mental and behavioral recovery and wellness, focusing on the tools they need to address their trauma moving forward.
- Foster public/private partnerships to educate, train, and empower survivors through a career and path to a brighter future.
- Increase education about recognizing the signs of a potential trafficking victim and the appropriate ways to take action.
- Require school online safety training and education on the amount of trafficking that occurs online, especially through social media.
- Expand efforts to increase awareness of the National Trafficking Hotline and other resources for victims to report and get assistance in escaping trafficking.
More stories from this week:
- Youngkin pushes back against a Democratic talking point
- McAuliffe and Youngkin differ on how they want to see potential surplus funds dispersed
- Statewide Democratic ticket campaigns together for first time
- Republican statewide candidates campaign in Chester
- Virginia reaches Biden’s vaccination goal early
- Northam plans to remove 1887 time capsule from beneath Robert E. Lee statue
- Youngkin plans to participate in three general election debates
In this rural Virginia district, a young Republican turns toward Trump in faceoff against BLM supporter – Washington Post
by Gregory Schneider
Wren Williams was all set to dig into his biscuit, bacon and eggs at the Stuart Family Restaurant when a white-haired woman rushed over from a nearby booth. Mary Fulcher wanted Williams to know that she was praying for him to win his House of Delegates race this fall so he could go to Richmond and take on the Democrats.
“We need to get rid of every dad-burn Democrat we got,” said Fulcher, 83. “They’re selfish. They think they know everything and they don’t know nothing.”
Former House candidate Fox charged with felony theft of a vehicle – Daily Progress
A grand larceny case will proceed against Richard Fox, co-owner of Roslyn Farm & Vineyard and a former candidate for the Republican nomination for 25th District seat in the House of Delegates.
Fox sought the GOP nomination in 2019, losing to Del. Chris Runion, R-Bridgewater, who currently holds the seat. Fox also served in a leadership position within the Albemarle County Republican Committee, but resigned in 2018 when Corey Stewart was selected as the GOP nominee for U.S. Senate. At the time, Fox objected to Stewart’s association with white nationalists and the organizer of the Unite the Right rally.
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Don’t care. Writing in Amanda Chase. The GOP establishment thought they could deny us the vote and pick this no-name RINO in a back room deal. Meanwhile, polls showed that the majority of us were ready to vote for Amanda Chase. We’re mad as hell and we’re going to make sure Chase gets the governer’s chair.