Right now freelance journalists and engaged members of the community are ensuring that the facts of these historical times are reported. As our platform searches for and amplifies the truth across Virginia each day, we need help paying these journalists who are on the ground doing the work to report on these events as they happen. They do not receive any corporate sponsorships or a salary with benefits to keep them safe as they relay important information in real-time.
Help us as we help them give a megaphone to the voiceless while holding truth to power. All of the money donated goes directly to reporters and concerned citizens that are on the ground each day giving you the news.
Virginia Scope is an independent news publication that is funded largely by donations and subscribers. As local newsrooms are losing writers each day, we are trying to fill the void to ensure that the public is informed and that leaders are held accountable for their actions. Please consider becoming a paid subscriber to our newsletter or making a donation through Paypal below so we can continue to work in Virginia.