As summer storms dropped rain at rates of 9 inches per hour on parts of Central Virginia, streams, creeks, ditches, and lakes all filled quickly spilling out onto roadways and yards. Check out some photos from the Colonial Heights area below.
Water piles up beneath a railroad overpass causing Route 1 to be closed.
Water rising at Lakeview Park
Water overflows from a drainage ditch and floods a frisbee golf course at White Bank Park
Swift Creek at the boat landing at White Bank Park
Swift Creek starts to rise at Lakeview Park
Lakeview Park is closed due to waters from Swift Creek overtaking the lot and playground – Credit Owen Jarvis
The Swift Creek surrounds a garage in Sherwood Hills – Credit: Owen Jarvis
The Swift Creek nears Wagstaff’s Steakhouse
The bridge at the entrance to Sherwood Hills is closed due to high water
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