by Brandon Jarvis

A new poll on the 2025 gubernatorial election asks respondents whether they would support Rep. Abigail Spanberger, D-VA07, or Republican Lieutenant Governor Winsome Sears. The poll also examines a potential matchup between Spanberger and Attorney General Jason Miyares.

The only two declared candidates so far, Spanberger and Sears, are tied at 39% support each, according to a new statewide survey from the University of Mary Washington’s Center for Leadership and Media Studies.

The remaining respondents in the survey of 1,000 adult Virginians said they were undecided, did not plan to vote or would back another candidate. The poll was conducted by Research America Inc. Sept. 3-9.

Miyares is rumored to be considering making a run at the Republican nomination.

In a possible match-up between Spanberger and Miyares, 40% of survey respondents backed Spanberger and 39% backed Miyares.

“Virginia elections are often close, and the look ahead to next year suggests more of the same in the campaign for governor,” said Stephen J. Farnsworth, professor of political science at the University of Mary Washington and director of UMW’s Center for Leadership and Media Studies. “The big challenge for these potential candidates is becoming better known across the commonwealth.”

Virginians in this new survey said they approved of Gov. Youngkin’s job performance by a 46% to 34 percent margin. As for President Biden’s job performance, 37 percent of survey respondents approved and 53% disapproved.

“Elections never stop in Virginia, and 2025 looks to be another very interesting electoral year in the commonwealth,” Farnsworth said.

By vascope

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